De-Cluttering Of Ones Mind Soul, & Home

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We cover all areas in Northumberland, Tyneside, Gateshead, Sunderland, Scottish Borders, County Durham, Teesside & Cumbria.

Sophie’s Cleaning Tips

The sun has suddenly appeared through the clouds and for the first time for months it’s no longer miserable, murky and grey. The sudden appearance of snowdrops and crocuses is the reminder that Spring is in the air. Time for a spot of Spring Cleaning, throw the windows open, get the duster out, shine those windows, polish those floors, out with the cob webs and in with the fresh smell of Spring.

Spring Cleaning isn’t just about clearing and dusting the house it’s also a de-cluttering of ones mind and soul. It gives one a new lease of life, out with the old and in with the new. It’s about looking forward to the beautiful months ahead. Suddenly everything looks brighter, one has a spring in their step and a smile on their face.

Cleaning all those nooks and crannies one has a avoided all Winter long has a cathartic feeling giving one a sense of pride and joy. Clearing out ones wardrobes and taking out your summer clothes ready for the months ahead. Cleaning out the bathroom cabinet and all it’s winter potions and preparing for the summer lotions. De-sanitising the bath and toilet and de-scaling the shower screen have a way of making one feel clean and new.

Having shone the stainless steel taps and accessories, polished and steamed the floor and tiles everything looks immaculate. Now to start on the kitchen, first the oven needs attention all those roasts through the winter have left their marks clearly and need to be shifted. The attention to detail makes ones fingers hurt but the pain is worth the trouble.

The fridge of course is next and all evidence of mouldy cheeses are cleared, the shelves taken out and the antibacterial cleaner is evident. Once the cupboards are cleaned inside and out, the cutlery drawer is next. Once all the aforementioned is complete a sense of satisfaction is achieved.

Now all that remains is to de-scale the kettle ready for that well deserved cup of tea!

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips
Shared Living - Cleaning & Rent Deposits
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