We Support AFTA – The Anti Fly-tipping Association

Sophie’s Cleaning Company is proud to announce our support for AFTA – The Ant Fly-tippin Association. This UK-based organization is dedicated to tackling the problem of fly tipping, a pervasive issue that plagues both rural and urban areas. As a responsible and ethical business, we believe it is our duty to support initiatives that work towards environmental sustainability and social welfare.

Fly tipping, the illegal dumping of waste, is not only unsightly and dangerous to humans and wildlife, but it also damages the environment and contributes to climate change. With AFTA’s mission to promote responsible waste disposal and to create a cleaner and safer UK, we are delighted to be able to join hands with them in this fight.

Businesses have a crucial role to play in tackling fly tipping. We generate significant amounts of waste and have a responsibility to dispose of it in a responsible manner. By partnering with AFTA, we can work together to reduce the amount of waste that ends up being dumped illegally and encourage our customers and employees to dispose of waste responsibly. This not only benefits the environment but also helps build a better community and society.

Sophie’s Cleaning Company encourages other businesses to support AFTA and work towards a cleaner and safer UK. We believe that it is not only our responsibility but also our duty to support environmental initiatives and create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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