After Party Cleaning Plan

After party cleaning can be often time consuming as much as a frustrating task depending on the nature of the party that took place. There are many occasions when the morning after resembles what it could be described as the aftermath of a battlefield. Few are the times when a quick half an hour will restore what it used to be the Living room.

Eliminate The Causes Of Odour

This is best done on the night of the party, and also is a great way to utilise your end of party lingerers (or close friends) as they’ll probably be shamed into helping out. This is where you get rid of the things that will cause that stale smell in the morning – throw away cans and packages, empty ashtrays and remove your empty glasses and dishes into the kitchen.

Cleaning Guide To Get Your Deposit Back

As a seasoned renter, I know just how crucial it is to do a thorough clean up of your flat before you move out. Unless you are moving into one of the royal residences, you’re going to need that deposit back, and landlords love nothing more than docking money for tiny little things that you might have overlooked. Here are my top tips for hassle free moving.

Dogs & Cats Cause Cleaning Concerns!

Getting a new dog or cat is an exciting time, whether you live alone or share your home with your whole family. A puppy or kitten, or even an adult dog or cat you have acquired, can be a funny and interesting new addition to your household. However, your normal cleaning routine may be thrown into disarray by your new arrival.

Tips for Keeping Mirrors Streak Free

One of the basic cleaning tasks that stumps a lot of people is cleaning their household mirrors without leaving smears or streaks. Mirrors, like windows, present the problems of cleaning glass, which is a very smooth surface that is prone to streaks and smudges, but due to the fact they are reflective and are something people look at a lot (after all, the point of a mirror is to look in it), streaky mirrors are far worse than streaky windows.

How To Reduce Dog Odours In Your Home

Keeping a dog, or multiple dogs, can be great – they offer companionship, protection, and can also be pretty cute. Sadly, another thing they generally bring with them is that familiar ‘dog smell’. The distinctive smell of dogs isn’t caused by dirt or excrement, but by the natural oils produced by their skin.

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